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Episode 20: 20 Ideas for Incorporating Flowers, Plants + Greens in Your Home Office

Friends!!! Welcome to what will probably be one of my fave episodes ever.


This episode is for the plant lovers, the almost plant lover, the non-green thumbs, the green thumbs, the all thumbs. No matter where you are in your plant and flower life, here’s some inspiration for you and your office!


As a former floral boutique owner, I’ve got a LOT of info to share. Today’s episode has a simple cheatsheet for you to print off…and it’s a ONE PAGER. You can get it HERE.


Wondering if this episode is for you?


It is if:

You want some quick and easy fresh ideas for your office.

You want to hear from a person who has extensive knowledge about all things flowers, plants and greens.

You need some inspiration and you don’t have a lot of time to put into deciding what you want.


It’s a great episode for you if you have plants and they’re starting to take over your office.

It’s also a great episode for you if you...

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Episode 19: 2021 Year in Review Business Workshop


Hey gang!! Get ready...this episode is a big one!

I wanna invite you to join me today for a workshop.

And when I say workshop, I mean, there’s gonna be a workbook, and working, and learning.

An End of 2021 Business Review Workshop.

It’s my Happy New Year Gift to all the entrepreneurs listening out there.

This is ONE THING I DID NOT DO when I had a flower shop and it is one reason I left MONEY ON THE TABLE.


This workshop is for brilliant entrepreneurs.

For shop owners, coaches, makers, creatives, non-creative, entrepreneurs with one, two and three businesses.


Who should listen in and do the workshop?

Welp...if you want to:

  • Figure out what direction you want to take in 2022
  • Decide what it’s time to let go of
  • Decide what it’s time to grab onto
  • Celebrate what you DID DO in 2021
  • Identify your next best steps now
  • Feel confident about your biz in 2022


What will it do for you?

  • Systematically gather info from all parts of your biz
  • ...
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Episode 18: CALENDAR CONTROL Volume 1: Creating Your Ideal Workweek, Workmonth, + Workyear.


Hey friends. Welcome to Episode 18

CALENDAR CONTROL Volume 1: Creating Your Ideal Workweek, Workmonth, + Workyear.


Download the companion coaching exercise for free at


This episode is for you if you:

  • Want to be more INTENTIONAL about your calendar
  • Want to say YES to what lights you up
  • Want to say NO to what doesn’t
  • Want to make sure you take a VACATION this year
  • Want to get your calendar year ORGANIZED
  • Want to work when work feels GOOD
  • Want some inpiration around your SCHEDULE
  • Want to set time aside for SPECIAL PROJECTS
  • Need some FRESH MINDSETS around planning your workweek, workmonth and year
  • Need permission to SHIFT OUT OF THE 9-5



This episode will guide you through designing your ideal workweek, workmonth and workyear. Grab the free companion coaching exercise and push PLAY.




Links mentioned in the episode:


Wheel of Life Coaching Exercise


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Episode 17: The Art of a Lovely Holiday Gathering with Katie Quade


Getting ready for the Holidays?

Are you excited for your holiday gatherings...or are you feeling a little stressed?

It’s a unique time to be planning parties, and also an interesting time to be attending them. We are precariously perched between what happened these last years and what’s coming up next. It’s a time to really consider, at a minimum, what we want to get out of our holiday celebrations.

If you want to get the best out of this year’s holiday events, listen in to Episode 17!


Katie Quade, from Balanced Roots Retreats is here to talk about what it looks like to plan a gathering that feels really good. Get ready to gather, connect, and have great conversations at your next party...whether you’re a guest or the host. 


Take time to get clear on what you need this holiday season.

What will fill your cup this year?

What does your family need?

If you’re hosting, let us help you with a fresh mindset and some simple...

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Episode 16: 5 Simple Ways Your Brand Words Can Attract Your Ideal Client.

brand archetypes branding Nov 04, 2021

Who’s ready for a deep dive on your brand vocabulary?
This week, we’re talking brand words.
And before we even get to brand words...we’re talking about brand archetyping. If archetyping is a new word for you, definitely join me for Episode 16. This one’s chock full of new info, hints, tips and strategies all around your brand words.

You’ll learn:
1. What a brand archetype is, and how it leads you to your brand words.
2. The 12 different archetypes I use with my clients to determine their brand personality, and then their brand words.
3. 10-12 brand words that connect to each brand archetype
4. 5+ ways you can use your brand words to attract your ideal client

I want you to feel inspired around your brand words.
Whether you already know them, or you’re just learning about brand words….get inspired and re-energize your word list today.

Let the power of the right words work for your brand. Enjoy!

Links Mentioned:

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Episode 15: Elementary School Teacher has BIG SIDE HUSTLE


Hey guys...welcome to The Brilliant Creative Podcast, Episode 15!!!

I’m so excited to introduce you to the lady of the day….Mrs. Jebeh Edmunds!

I’ll be honest, our interview goes all over the place….we talk about her fascinating story, how she went from fleeing her home country with her family at a very young age, to the living in the Twin Cities, to becoming a teacher, to listening to the very persistent voice in her head that said...HEY LADY, there’s something more you’re supposed to do.

We talk about:
-How Jebeh knew so many years ago that this big side hustle was happening, no matter what.
-How she came up to me 6 years ago and said...I’ll be calling you someday.
-What it looked like for her to literally BUILD HER BUSINESS DURING, the deep, dark, awful days of Covid. Jeb and I were making lemonade out of lemons at the local coffee shop!!!

This is an inspiring podcast for those of you who:
-Are teachers….or...

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Episode 14: Life Coaching 101 - The Wheel of Life



What if life felt more ON-TRACK?

What if life could feel more organized?

What if you could quickly get more intentional with your everyday life?


Sound interesting? Then you’re invited to Episode 14! 

In fact, Episode 14 is for everyone.



It’s not just for business owners, or creative people.



Everyone can use the life-coaching tool I’m gonna talk about inside this episode.


How can today’s show help you?

  • It will help you move towards having a balanced + intentional life.
  • It will help you get LIFE back on-track.
  • It will clarify your best next steps now.
  • It will get you moving in the right direction for you.


You can download today’s very helpful diagram and fill-in-the-blank questions at It’s free, fun, and easy.


This episode is REALLY HELPFUL if

you’ve gone through a big life...

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Episode 13: WGITWA x 4 and What to do About It



Welcome to Episode 13, WGITWA x 4 and What to do About It.


Ever feel a little there aren’t a whole lot of people that get you? Creatives often work alone, and sometimes, get lonely. If that’s you...I’m with ya.


In this episode we talk about your awesome creative brain. You might call it your creative heart, creative soul, creative spirit but I will refer to it today as your creative brain...and WHY I THINK IT’S AWESOME!


And it’s sometimes lonely and difficult to have this brilliant and powerful creative brain. Because, it is.


We talk about 4 different things that business coaching clients struggle with, and give tips on how to manage each of them.


We’re chatting about:


  •  Overwhelm
  •  Perfectionism
  •  Impaired Decision Making Filters
  •  Analysis Paralysis


Learn how my Impaired Decision Making Filters held me back from creating this...

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Episode 12: What I Wish I Would Have Done in my First 5 Years of Business

ideal client niche Sep 20, 2021

It’s a CHOOSE YOUR OWN TITLE kind of adventure here in Episode 12. I like both titles, but you decide which one you like the best.   


In today’s episode, you’ll hear me tell an embarrassing story.

I still kind of don’t want to tell it, but, I am going to tell it anyway and we are going to chalk it up to ENTREPRENEURIAL LEARNING. If you can learn from my embarrassing story, that will make it worth the telling. Please learn from it. Oooooff.


So...who is today’s podcast for?

This episode is for you if:


  1. You find yourself a bit irritated that your 5 besties don’t buy your product or program more often, or ever.


  1. You find yourself a bit put off because your sister isn’t using your services for her _______. (you fill that in….wedding/birthday/home/work event/etc.)


  1. You get a little nervous when you are talking to friends about your business because you hope they will become a...
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Episode 11: A Luxury Interior Designer + her Business Coach, Suzi Part 2


This week's episode is brought to you by my new, free masterclass for entrepreneurs, called The Organized Entrepreneur. If you’d like to know more about how you can get your creative brain organized around your work so you can feel purposeful and on-track with your next steps, check out and get the details on how to attend this workshop style masterclass.


Today’s episode is a continuation of last week's interview of Suzi Vandersteen, owner and brilliant designer at Kitchee Gammi Design Company here in Duluth MN.


If you tuned in to episode 10, you know that Suzi has been coaching with me for years and she and I have a very magical relationship.

She is, without a doubt, just one of my people.


As usual, I only want you to listen this week if you can benefit from

this particular episode.


This podcast is for you IF:

-You have a corporate or home office that needs to be REIMAGINED or REDONE


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If you're looking for a place to talk business with entrepreneurs just like you, to become empowered with new mindsets, to share your journey, to experience forward momentum... 

That's GLOW!

GLOW Opens September 16!

Learn more here or join the waitlist below!