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Episode 39: Have you been feeling Jealous? 5-Part Coaching Exercise to Hack Jealousy
Episode 39: Have you been feeling Jealous? 5-Part Coaching Exercise to Hack Jealousy

Ok gang, Let’s talk Jealousy.

Ewwwww. Jealousy. 

It's kind of UNCOMFORTABLE, don't you think?

Initially, yes. But I'd love to help you learn to HACK it. Want to?

Let’s just dive in and get it taken care of. I can help!!!!


Episode 39 is all about Jealousy, and why I’m SO OK with it.

Jealousy can be pretty awesome.

Dare I say, jealousy is actually helpful.

Jealousy in business.

Jealousy in friendships.

Jealousy in families.

Jealousy at work.

Jealousy about this, about that.

Jealousy about WHATEVER.

Please tune in and learn how to hack your feelings of jealousy and turn the whole jealousy thing into a personal development exercise.

I’m telling you, we can turn jealousy on it's head.

Together, let’s create a WIN around a feeling that most people feel shame, frustration and anger about.


In this episode you’ll learn:

-About a time I felt SO JEALOUS this past summer. 

-A simple 5-part coaching exercise you can use to hack...

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Episode 38: Two Companies that have GREAT Branding (and What you Can Learn from Them)
Episode 38: Two Companies that have GREAT Branding (and What you Can Learn from Them)


Hello hello brilliant creatives!!!!

Welcome to Ep 38, Two Companies that have GREAT Branding and What you Can Learn from them. 


So…who should listen to this episode?

If you…..

  1. Are just starting you biz and you don’t know the first thing about branding.
  2. Have had your biz for a bit but you never really GOT the importance of branding on a deeper level
  3. Just wanna appreciate some dang good branding
  4. Want to feel inspired around branding
  5. Are rebranding and want some reminders, or want to refresh your thoughts around branding
  6. Wanna learn a little about brand archetypes
  7. Have a business that feels unclear to you, and likely to your prospective clients
  8. Have a business that seems to attract the WRONG people…you find yourself asking how the heck you’re getting the clients you’re getting. 


The more you know your brand, the words, the values, the feeling, the connection it can have with prospective clients…the brighter...

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Episode 37: 5 Things to Consider When Starting a Creative Business
Episode 37: 5 Things to Consider When Starting a Creative Business

Starting your own creative business???

Push play on Episode 37: 5 Things to Consider When Starting a Creative Business.


This episode is for you if:

  1. Are thinking about starting a business, either full time or part time or even just a little side hustle. Any size, any commitment level…if you are thinking of starting a business, this is a good episode for you.
  2. If you’ve already decided you’re going to start a biz and you’re in the beginning phase.
  3. If you’ve been making your product for awhile and maybe giving it away or selling it for very little, and you think it might be time to start charging money.
  4. If you think a small business is what you want to do with your life but you need some more information.
  5. You want a specific example of how to switch your business from “just trying it” to “this is a real business”.


You’ll learn about:

  1. Proof of Concept…and the 5 steps that go along with this important...
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Episode 36.5: The Details on Summer Series Coaching 2022

Uncategorized Jul 04, 2022
Episode 36.5: The Details on Summer Series Coaching 2022

Hey there!!!


Welcome to this little bonus episode, episode 36.5!


I added this episode so I could tell you about one of summer coaching promotions available to you this summer.


It’s a 1-on-1 laser beam focused coaching program called Summer Series Coaching.


Clients meet once in July, once in August and once in September with a specific desired result. My question to you is how good would it feel to get ONE big thing figured out before fall?


What’s so great about summer series? Well…it’s low commitment, highly personalized, results based, and focused. It gets you set up for whatever is NEXT for your business.


And some of you are saying…Ang!! I don’t even know what I want anymore. I don’t know what’s next! I’ve been so busy reacting to all the things that I can’t even remember what it’s like to be proactive.


If that’s you…let’s go.

Let’s get...

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Episode 36: Why This Podcast is Called The Brilliant Creative + A Special Message to Those of You Who Want to Be More Creative

ideal client Jul 04, 2022
Episode 36: Why This Podcast is Called The Brilliant Creative + A Special Message to Those of You Who Want to Be More Creative

Hey all…welcome to the Brilliant Creative today!!

This episode is a little love letter to my creative entrepreneurs, business owners, and want-to-be business owners out there.

And then, I’ve got a message for those of you who WANT to be more creative, but something is holding you back.


Ever wonder why I named this podcast The Brilliant Creative?

It’s because of YOU GUYS!!!

I really, really, really like you.


You know…I sometimes wonder if the people hearing the title of the podcast think that I’m referring to myself as The Brilliant Creative. Well, I’m not.


I’m actually referring to all of youl…the listeners and all my clients out there. When I think of what I really love about my work, it’s that my clients and I spend time having conversations to make plans, move forward, achieve goals, create and move towards their dreamy vision of the future. We are often SOLVING PROBLEMS or, in other more empowering...

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Episode 35: 4 Summer Workflow Tips for the Entrepreneur Moms and Dads
Episode 35: 4 Summer Workflow Tips for the Entrepreneur Moms and Dads

Hey gang. I am here to talk to the mamas and the papas out there who have just had a week or two of the kids at home for summer break.


If you’re like me, you are really feeling the kids in your space.

Previously, the space was clean and quiet.


Delightfully clean.

Delightfully quiet.


But now…the kids are home.



No matter where you are at…or what the summer dance looks like at your house this week, most of you can benefit from these workflow tips.


Ok, here we go.

I’ve got 5 tips for you.

And they are all from experience.

Extensive experience.

(They are discussed in the podcast, push play today!)

 1. Tip number one: For GOODNESS SAKES be reasonable.

Specifically, Set reasonable expectations for yourself.

Set yourself up for success by allowing yourself and the rest of the world some leeway. Give yourself a buffer. Having this mindset will help you hit the ground running instead of hitting the ground stressed, angry...

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Episode 34: Entrepreneurial Money Mindsets for Makers + Creators
Episode 34: Entrepreneurial Money Mindsets for Makers + Creators

Hey friends!!

Welcome back to the Money Series!


This is installment 6…all about entrepreneurial money mindset. It’s a short one…and there’s a beautiful pdf you can download to put at your desk or on your office board or maybe you can print it off for your entrepreneurial motivation binder.  


You put it wherever you want…but do get it, print it and put it somewhere you can see it!

It’s so helpful to have fresh and empowering mindsets in front of you…so you can see them and start to think about them and maybe even decide you’ll adopt some of these mindsets for your own.


You can find today’s free list of mindsets at

It’s all ready and waiting for you!


You know, if you are the head honcho at your office/business/studio….you have a BIG task to take care of that most others aren’t even thinking about.

The big task is managing your thoughts.

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Episode 33: 5 Ways You Could Be More Organized Around Money (Money Series 5)
Episode 33: 5 Ways You Could Be More Organized Around Money (Money Series 5)

Hey gang! Welcome to Episode 33,

5 Ways You Could Be More Organized Around Money.

(Money Series 5)


This episode is for those of you who feel like you’d like to be more organized with your money. Whether it’s in your business or in your personal life.


If you have some behaviors that sabotage your success around money, keep reading.

If you’ve noticed some patterns that keep repeating and you want to stop them, you’re in the right place.


Let’s become aware of WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW with your money.

How do you earn it? And how do you feel about that?

How many streams of income do you have? Would you like more?

How do you keep it organized? And how is that working for you?

How do you grow your money? And what does that look like? And could you be doing it better?

How do you feel about spending money?

What does your self-talk around money sound like?


I don’t expect you to answer these questions now.

The point is…I want...

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Episode 32: Money Clutter: What it is and How to Get Rid of It! (Money Series 4)
Episode 32: Money Clutter: What it is and How to Get Rid of It! (Money Series 4)

Helllllooo brilliant creatives.

Welcome to The Brilliant Creative Podcast, Episode 32.


  1. Money Clutter: What it is and How to Get Rid of It!


This is a good episode for you if:


-You want your money to feel more organized

-You’d like to make some changes around the way you show up around money

-You’re considering doing a little money work or money coaching, and you want to prepare for success

-You’re feeling stuck in your money life and you want to create some positive momentum

-You’ve been unintentionally late on a bill or two because of disorganization

-You want money to be different, but don’t know where to start


Listen in!


Here’s what we’re going to do in today’s podcast:


  1. I’m going to tell you I’m going to define money clutter and give some examples.
  2. You’ll get access to download a companion checklist for this podcast at, which includes a...
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Episode 31: Money Boundaries…What are they & Should I Get Some? (Money Series 3)

Uncategorized May 23, 2022
Episode 31: Money Boundaries…What are they & Should I Get Some? (Money Series 3)

Welcome to The Brilliant Creative Podcast!

This is Episode 31.

Money Boundaries…What are they & Should I Get Some? (Money Series 3)


This episode is rated E for everyone….or at least everyone who wants to improve their money life. Whether you want to improve your money life a little or a lot, jump on!!


Learning some of these terms is one of the first steps in changing your money life. Even if your money life is PRETTY DANG GOOD…but you know it could be better, this is a good place for you to be.


This is an especially good episode for those of you who:

  • tend to use money to nurture friends, family or others
  • have teens, tweens, college students, or young adults…and you want to get intentional about how you do money with your kids during these various phases of life
  • want to “tighten the belt” a little around money either amongst your family members or even around just yourself
  • have always “done money” a certain...
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If you're looking for a place to talk business with entrepreneurs just like you, to become empowered with new mindsets, to share your journey, to experience forward momentum... 

That's GLOW!

GLOW Opens September 16!

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