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Episode 27: Distracted Much? 10 Prompts to GET FOCUSED RN!! (Right now!)

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2022

Hey gang….I’m here today to talk to the DISTRACTED business owner.

Is that you?

There are a LOT of things for you to get distracted with. I know. OOOFF, I know!


I know about this space.  If you own or have ever owned a business, this is a place where we business owners can lose time and energy. And we can lose focus here.


You know, when you aren’t clear about your own branding, or your own products, or your own workday in general it’s way easier to LET yourself be distracted.


If you don’t have clarity around your own plan, your own program…It’s much easier to look at someone else’s instagram feed as opposed to creating your own posts. Is it easier to read someone else’s blogs/articles instead of writing your own? If this is you….listen in.


There is definitely a time and place for being distracted, until it gets in the way of accomplishing your business goals. Tuning into others “channels” doesn’t always serve you the way you want to be served...does that resonate at all? 


Well, if this is you, push play! Learn my strategy to get focused and back on track.


In this episode, you’ll get a quick snapshot of how I use these 10 questions to get focused on serving my clients, and turn away from distractions.


Set yourself up for success by using these 10 prompts, and get



  1. Why did you start your business in the first place?
  2. How do I want to show up for my ideal client today?
  3. At a minimum, what could I do to serve my ideal client community today?
  4. What value do I want to bring to their lives?
  5. If I could shout something to them from the rooftops, what would it be?
  6. What do I want them to know?
  7. What do I want them to enjoy?
  8. What can I easily offer them this week? (paid or not)
  9. What can I easily offer them this month? (paid or not)
  10.  Who do I need to BE to serve them in this way? (I need to be a person that/who…)


The 10 questions I provided will help you get focused on your clients + your business.


And here’s you’re Mindset Takeaway from Episode 28:

 “I keep my eye on my own bobber!”


The clearer you get on the WHO of you, the WHAT of you, the WHO of your Biz and the WHAT of your Biz…the better your work life (and the rest of your life!) will be.


Good luck this week getting intentional about what you REALLY want to be doing.

I hope distraction falls by the wayside and space opens up for you to truly enjoy MORE of your time at work and at home.


Links mentioned in this episode:

Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

The 4- Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Playing Big by Tara Mohr


Ang Stocke Coaching Links

Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn 


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